
Getting Started: Create Your Data Scientist Profile Using Github Pages

GitHub Pages


  1. Register a domain name.
  2. Register for a Github account and configure Github pages.
  3. Choose a Jekyll Theme and Setup your environment.
  4. Setup Github Pages.
  5. Add your Custom domain to Github Pages.

1. Register a your domain name. (Optional)

I like Namecheap for domain registration, they also offer FREE domain registrations for students. Check out https://nc.me/ to register your own domain name. If you are not a student you can still register for one with a small charge. You can also look at Godaddy, 1&1 etc…

Once you have a domain name registered jump on to the next section.

2. Register for a Github account.

Navigate to GitHub and signup if you already don’t have an account. Once you are logged in, click “+” icon on the upper right corner and select “New Repository” option from the dropdown. Repository name should be “username.github.io” , username is your Github username. Proceed by clicking on “Create repository” button.

3. Setup Jekyll environment and deploy it to Github Pages.

This is a good and complete article to install, build and deploy your jekyll site on github. Make a static website by Tania Rascia

Follow the step below from Github for more info. https://help.github.com/articles/setting-up-your-github-pages-site-locally-with-jekyll/

# => Now browse to http://localhost:4000

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